Lucious Lawns

Tips and tricks from a seasoned lawn owner.

Mr. Fixit is known for his lawns. Each home we’ve lived in has been the envy of the neighborhood, right down to his chipping green. 

What’s his trick? He has a few…

Aerate Annually – Depending on the quality of the soil, it may be helpful to aerate the lawn each spring. We have a unit that attaches to the back of our riding mower. A little added weight on top ensures deep plugs and gives the lawn room to breathe. Many people power rake (de-thatch) their lawns as well but we’ve found that this is very harsh on the grass and can be an invitation to weeds so we don’t put this into our regimen. 

Fertilize Frequently – Always being cautious about our water tables, we use an organic/pet friendly fertilizer 2-3 times a summer. This is a great way to get in a few extra steps while spreading much needed nutrients into your lawn. Weeds can be spot sprayed, removed with a tool, or managed using weed and feed products. Your local greenhouse or extension service is a great resource to determine what options are best for your location.

Grow Gracefully – Our newest exploration is into lengthy lawns. Because we have a large yard that is shared with our Cherry Creek Guest House visitors, we let some of the grass grow long to define paths, create interest, and increase privacy. This also extends the habitat for birds, bunnies, and bees. 

Mow Meticulously – A beautifully mown lawn begins with the mower. The blades must be sharp. The blades must be even. And the blades must be clean. Contrary to what many think, the blades should be set high at 3″ – 4″. Long grass is healthy grass as it shades the roots and soil, keeping them cool and reducing evaporation. Ideally, a mulching mower will be used. This recycles the grass clippings into the lawn as a natural fertilizer, cuts down on labor by eliminating the bag, and reduces watering need. In terms of the mowing patterns, alternate direction as much as possible to keep the lawn from being packed down and encourage the grass to thrive. 

Water Wisely – We’ve found it is best to water when the grass is cool, early morning or at night, as there is less evaporation and better absorption. Saturation is key, watering deeply enough to soak the roots so they go deeper into the soil which helps them withstand hot days. Frequency may be dictated by local water restrictions but ideally a lawn cycle would be about 1 hour in length, 2-3 times a week, resulting in 1-2 inches per watering. Shallow watering = shallow roots. 

A healthy lawn offers natural cooling to adjacent structures and potential wildfire reduction. And, according to the Woods Resorts, there are many benefits of walking barefoot on grass. “Earthing” improves eyesight (think reflexology), reduces stress by as much as 62% (think endorphins), keeps feet healthy (think stretch and strengthen), removes negativity (think swapping your negative electrons with the earth’s positive electrons), and aids in sleeping (think stabilizing circadian rhythm). Who knew?

At the end of the day, a luscious lawn is something that everyone can enjoy – especially if you take your shoes off – with just a few simple tricks.

The opportunities for your next Montana adventure are unlimited and Cherry Creek Guest House is ready to serve as your home away.

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